Our team are reaching for the skies in Brent! Another great job progressing well as we carry out work on a new Supported Housing and Assisting Living development.
Milestone at Calver Court
Our Calver Court Project has recently reached a major milestone and topped out the concrete frame!
Helping Students Prepare for Future Careers
Glenman and Frencon staff give back to university undergraduates with advice and support on their career choices.
London Build EXPO 2017
Glenman are delighted to announce that we will be attending this year’s London Build EXPO on the 25th and 26th of October. We are looking forward to hearing from the great line up of speakers and meeting with new clients and suppliers.
Frencon Attends the Constructionline Meet the Buyer Event
Frencon Construction were among 50 Buyers exhibiting at the event
Eastbourne District General Hospital, Endoscopy Unit
Design & construct 2 storey extension with basement level plant room to provide new Endoscopy Unit to existing live hospital.
Eastbourne Endoscopy Unit
Frencon has successfully completed and handed over the New Endoscopy Unit at Eastbourne District General Hospital for East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust.
St James School, Ashford, Middlesex
Phased refurbishment & extension to Grade II Listed St. David’s Girl’s school (renamed St James School after completion).
St James School, Kensington
Construction of a new viewing gallery & mezzanine floor inside the existing concert hall of the school.
Castle Mead Estate, Southwark
Refurbishment works to 112 fully occupied flats including replacement of bathrooms & kitchens.
Ellen Wilkinson School, London
Design & Build of a new extension within a live school & extensive refurbishment works to the existing building.
High Wycombe Police Station, Refurbishment
Refurbishment of the locker room to provide modern male & female changing facilities.
Bishopsgate Police Station, Custody Suite Refurbishment
Phased refurbishment of an 8 cell restricted, high security operational police station. Construction of an additional 7 cells & custody accommodation.
Kilmuir & Southcott Houses Refurbishment
Refurbishment & fire upgrade works to occupied residential flats & communal areas.
Phoenix High School, London
The remodelling & conversion of an existing 4 storey Redway block to create a new ICT teaching facility.
Extension to Haberdashers House, London SW15
Extension of 2 rehab units to an existing hospital facility.
Sydenham Hill Estate, London Borough of Southwark
External and partial refurbishment of an occupied block of flats.
Symington House, Southwark, Leathermarket JMB
Refurbishment of a 16 storey tower block comprising of 105 fully occupied flats for Leathermarket, an established management agency.
Guildhall School of Music & Drama Student Accommodation, London
The final phase of an extensive refurbishment within the existing occupied Sundial Court flat complex, comprised 26 flats of 3-, 4-, 5- or 6-bedrooms.
Red Gates SEN Primary School, Croydon
Phased refurbishment and extensions to a Special Education Needs (SEN) school.
Drayton Manor High School, Ealing
Complete strip out & demolition of an existing building & construction of a 3 storey extension to provide new classrooms, staff offices and WC facilities.
Anson Primary School, Brent, London
A phased expansion and refurbishment project to an occupied primary school.
HM Prison Wandsworth, Healthcare Centre
Construction of a single storey extension to the Health Centre, refurbishment of existing Health Centre & construction of reception & specialist safer cell units.
Remodelling of French General Consulate, Cromwell Road, London SW7
Renovation & remodelling the ‘Visa’ control section of the French Embassy located in the basement of this multi storey conservation listed building.
Barking Fire Station Refurbishment, London Fire & Emergency Authority
Building, Mechanical & Electrical services refurbishment on a live fully operational Fire Station.
Residential Care Home, Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex
Construction of a new 3 & 4 storey residential care home consisting of 27 bedrooms.
Lewisham Fire Station Refurbishment, London Fire & Emergency Authority
Upgrade of heating system and general refurbishment works for Lewisham Fire Station.
Patient Investigation Unit (PIU), King’s College Hospital, London
Alterations and modifications and external infill to Cheyne Wing to form a new Patient Investigation Unit.
Refurbishment Breast Clinic, King’s College Hospital
Refurbishment & upgrade of the existing breast clinic on the 1st floor in King’s College Hospital.
University of Westminster, London
Basement structural alterations and refurbishment to accommodate the installation of a new substation serving the Regent Street campus.
Sexual Health Clinic, King’s College Hospital
Refurbishment, upgrade & fitting out of an existing fully operational clinic to form a Sexual Health Centre
Glenman’s New Development!
Oyster View, Rosses Point, Sligo is an unique and stylish development at the highest end of the market. This exclusive development was built by Glenman Corporation Ltd.