
Eastbourne District General Hospital, Endoscopy Unit
Design & construct 2 storey extension with basement level plant room to provide new Endoscopy Unit to existing live hospital.

Extension to Haberdashers House, London SW15
Extension of 2 rehab units to an existing hospital facility.

Residential Care Home, Longbridge Road, Barking, Essex
Construction of a new 3 & 4 storey residential care home consisting of 27 bedrooms.

Patient Investigation Unit (PIU), King’s College Hospital, London
Alterations and modifications and external infill to Cheyne Wing to form a new Patient Investigation Unit.

Refurbishment Breast Clinic, King’s College Hospital
Refurbishment & upgrade of the existing breast clinic on the 1st floor in King’s College Hospital.

Sexual Health Clinic, King’s College Hospital
Refurbishment, upgrade & fitting out of an existing fully operational clinic to form a Sexual Health Centre