Public Works

High Wycombe Old Library
This exciting renovation project was undertaken on behalf of the Buckinghamshire Council and will be utilised for local Children’s and Social Services which will be a vital support service for the District of High Wycombe and Buckinghamshire County.

High Wycombe Police Station, Refurbishment
Refurbishment of the locker room to provide modern male & female changing facilities.

Bishopsgate Police Station, Custody Suite Refurbishment
Phased refurbishment of an 8 cell restricted, high security operational police station. Construction of an additional 7 cells & custody accommodation.

HM Prison Wandsworth, Healthcare Centre
Construction of a single storey extension to the Health Centre, refurbishment of existing Health Centre & construction of reception & specialist safer cell units.

Barking Fire Station Refurbishment, London Fire & Emergency Authority
Building, Mechanical & Electrical services refurbishment on a live fully operational Fire Station.

Remodelling of French General Consulate, Cromwell Road, London SW7
Renovation & remodelling the ‘Visa’ control section of the French Embassy located in the basement of this multi storey conservation listed building.

Lewisham Fire Station Refurbishment, London Fire & Emergency Authority
Upgrade of heating system and general refurbishment works for Lewisham Fire Station.